8 Everyday Habits that Affect Appearance

These are habits that can affect your appearance, without you knowing it.
Healthy skin not only from the products you use every day. Things and decisions that you do every day, what you eat, where you go, what you feel, it also affects the appearance of your skin.
8 Everyday Habits that Affect Appearance

Everyday Habits that Affect Appearance

Dietary habit

You want to keep your skin healthy and free of dull? Pay attention to your food intake. Consuming vitamin C in sufficient quantities and reduce consumption of fats and carbohydrates can make your skin stay healthy along with the aging process. Therefore, change your diet from now on. Reduce consumption of fats, carbohydrates and excess sugar that can make you look older than your age.


Anti aging cream you may already contain vitamins C or E. But the intake of outside alone was not enough. Increase consumption of anti-oxidants such as fruit, vegetables and fish to protect the skin from the adverse effects of free radicals. Besides antioxidants can slow the aging process of the skin.


Perhaps you already know well the benefits of regular exercise. Not only good for your overall health, but also for the health of your skin. Regular exercise will improve blood circulation to the skin which carries oxygen and essential nutrients and helps the skin to produce collagen and prevent wrinkles.

Get enough sleep

You try to stay awake and not sleep all night. The next morning when you look in the mirror of course you will find your face "decorated" circle of blackened eyes, dull skin and puffy eyes. Therefore, adequate sleep 7-8 hours a day will make your skin healthy. Do not forget to pay attention to your sleeping position. Try to sleep in the supine position to avoid wrinkles because sleeping position tilted or recurrent stomach.


Living in Indonesia which has a tropical climate and sunny most of the year, it will make you exposed to sunlight are plentiful. Especially if your job requires you to be outdoors every day. Approximately nearly 90% of skin damage caused by sunlight. Skin damage not only in the form of occurrence of premature aging such as the appearance of dark spots, wrinkles but also the risk of skin cancer. Therefore, always use a sunscreen with at least SPF 30 if you always are outdoors and try to avoid the sun from pk. 09:00 to 16:00.


Excessive consumption of alcohol can be bad not only for your body but also the health of your skin. Alcohol is a diuretic that causes the body to lose fluid. It can make your skin becomes dry. Dry skin will be more apt to occur wrinkles. Of course you do not want not to look older than your age?


There is no benefit either from cigarettes. Of course you already know. Smoking is the cause of the second (the first is the UV rays) can cause premature wrinkles and dry skin. When viewed under a microscope, you can even see the smokers who are aged 20 years already have wrinkles. Smoking may reduce the blood flow to the skin and reduce the formation of collagen tissue. Collagen decreases = wrinkles.

Face cleansing

Up down public transportation, walking on the sidewalk - it seems every day you will be exposed to pollution. Not only pollution from motor vehicles, the air in the room were dirty and cigarette smoke also affects the health of your skin. Therefore, it is important to always clean your face and do not forget to choose a product that suits your skin type.
