How to eliminate the black spots on the face naturally

Overcoming the black spots on the face is certainly not an easy matter. However, this issue is a matter that does not mean impossible. Everything can be done in various ways. Pimples and black spots on the face of it is disturbing a person's appearance and self-confidence.

Excessive secretion of melanin is the main cause of black spots. Some of the causes of black spots include: hormonal imbalance, pregnancy, menopause, intake of certain medications, vitamin deficiencies, mineral deficiencies, intestinal disorders and stress. In addition to the face, dark spots all over the body needs to consult a doctor, because there might be a fundamental problem. Many whitening products are available at health clinics, in addition to its price also contain chemicals that can ultimately harmful to your skin. Alternative treatments that can be done is a natural way, in addition to cheap and readily available, natural way does not have harmful side effects.

How to Eliminate Black Spots

How to eliminate the black spots on the face naturally
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How to eliminate the black spots on the face naturally

For those of you who currently have black spots on the face of stubborn and stubborn then check out the following tips. Some way of eliminating black spots on the face, among others:

Eliminating Dark Spots with Lemon (Citrus Citron)

How: Prepare lemon and cotton balls. Squeeze lemon taste to the container. Lemon juice then pour water into the cotton. Now wipe cotton mixed lemon to your face. Allow to dry. Wait a while and then rinse with clean water. Do not be under the sun beforehand after this process, because it makes your skin sensitive.

Eliminating Dark Spots with Papaya Fruit

How: Soften papaya until menajdi like "porridge", then rub the affected area of ​​black spots on your skin. You can also mix with lime juice. Let stand for about 15 minutes, then rinse with clean water. Papaya skin can also be useful for an excellent scrub for knees and elbows.

Eliminating Dark Spots Using Vitamin E Oil

How: Oil vitamin E mixed with castor oil / castor oil (oil from the seeds of jatropha). Then apply on the area acne scars and dark spots. Wait a few moments, then rinse clean. You can also combine vitamin E oil dengal aloe vera as a face mask. You can buy vitamin E oil and castor oil in pharmacies.

Eliminating Dark Spots Using Potatoes

How: Prepare 2-3 potatoes. Grate the potatoes, then add a little water. Then squeeze the grated potatoes using a clean filter. Add a few drops of lemon juice and half a tablespoon of honey. Then wipe the area of ​​black spots on your face. Let stand for about 20 minutes and then wash.

Eliminating Dark Spots with Watermelon Skin

How: Slice watermelon and grab the skin. Rub the inside of the skin on your face so semangkan semangkan juice will seep into your skin. Do this for a few minutes and then leave it for some time and then rinse thoroughly. You can do this 2-3 times a week.

Good luck !
