How to treat coughs naturally and traditional

Hallo meet again in the health blog that contains information about the ancient traditional medicine or natural and without chemicals , at noon today I will share information about the natural treatment of cough illness continue to refer to the article so hopefully can help all of his buddies .

How to treat coughs naturally and traditional

How to treat coughs naturally and traditional
Cough ilustration image source :

Cough is very disturbing us , especially if we again no formal affairs such as attending important meetings and other activities of her in this post I will give you a prescription to treat coughs naturally following way .

Treatment of common cold :

Necessary materials :

  1. Lemon 1 piece
  2. Garlic 3 grams
  3. Pure honey 2 tablespoons

How to mix it:

The garlic crushed into powder , lemon juice mixed with water taken collision garlic , add 2 tablespoons of cooking water and then filtered .

Results of the screening was inserted into a glass , mixed with honey and 1/2 cup hot water .

How to use :

This medicine in the afternoon and evening drinking .

The second way :

Materials needed :

Aloe vera leaves taken mucus is then mixed with pure honey , taken 3 times daily 1 tablespoon , for children 1 teaspoon .

Olesnya medicine or medicine outside :

Its materials :

Old lime taken its water is then mixed with whiting and eucalyptus mminyak

How to use it:

Spread the herb above was in the back , chest , neck of the patient.
