The traditional way to overcome ambaien

The traditional way to overcome ambaien

Ambaien disease is usually caused by food that is difficult to digest , too much eating meat , consuming alcohol too much activity and less activity sit up or move as well as working too hard .
The traditional way to overcome ambaien
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Things that identify the sufferer is , the shaft gut ached and there was a bulge protruding and sometimes bleed while defecating .
Treatment is usually by performing operations by cutting the shaft intestine of the patient , but my friend does not need to worry because I will prescribe powerful drugs to overcome its traditional , this one disease.

Necessary materials :

Kejibeling leaves 6 grams
Meniran 6 grams
Ginger 3 grams
Kawak acid 1 gram

How to make :

All material above was boiled with 1 liter of water until only 1/5 liter , then the water decoction was taken 3 times a day , do it for 5 days or
as needed buddy .
Read also the article before it: How to treat illnesses Tonsils
